Housing and benefit fraud

Housing and Tenancy fraud is a crime, depriving people in genuine need of a home. This type of fraud can include:

  • Moving out of social housing and renting it to someone else (sub-letting).
  • Moving out of social housing and leaving it empty.
  • Obtaining social housing through deception by making a fraudulent application.
  • Fraudulent applications to obtain rights to remain in a property after the current tenant dies.
  • Illegally assigning a social housing application to someone else or taking (or making) a payment for a mutual exchange.

Anyone with information or suspicions about tenancy fraud can call Tandridge District Council on 01883 722000, or contact customer services.

If you know someone committing benefit fraud, report it:

  • Online at gov.uk.
  • Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline free on 0800 854 440. Your call is anonymous and confidential - you do not have to give your name or address. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. If you have speech or hearing problems you can use a text phone service on 0800 328 0512 or Welsh speakers can call on 0800 678 3722.
  • By post to National Benefits Fraud Hotline, Mailing Handling Site A, Wolverhampton, WV98 2BP.

Anyone with suspicions about Council Tax Support awarded to individuals can also call Tandridge District Council on 01883 722000, or contact customer services.

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