
If you are witnessing flytipping as it is happening please call Surrey Police on 999.

If the flytipping is blocking the public highway report it to Surrey County Council.

If the flytipping is a serious pollution risk or a major incident call the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.

If the flytipping is on private land or a private road it is the landowners responsibility to clear it.

To report all other flytipping use our flytipping report form.


Flytipping is the illegal dumping of waste and unlimited fines or prison sentences of up to five years can be given.

Flytipping can cause pollution and harm the environment, human health, animals and wildlife. It is also expensive to clear up and is an ongoing problem to landowners and farmers. We work with landowners to identify offenders and will prosecute where appropriate.

We deal promptly with flytipped material on our land or highways and provide advice to landowners affected by flytipping.

Anyone who removes rubbish from your property must be registered to do so – you can check if a waste carrier is registered online.

When waste is passed from one person to another, a written description of the waste and details of the transfer must be made. Make sure you get a copy to show you have acted correctly. Contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506 and ask for a Waste Carrier Validation Check.

Do not give your waste to anyone not registered. If it is later found flytipped you will have committed an offence.

Property and Landowners - How to avoid waste criminals.

We have a responsibility to clear flytipped waste from our public areas and to locate and prosecute the offenders. We remove the waste as quickly as possible.

Waste dumped on private land is the responsibility of the landowner and in certain circumstances the landowner can be made to clear away the rubbish.

Illegal waste sites storing or burning waste should be reported to the Environment Agency on their incident hotline 03708 506 506.

We do not collect abandoned shopping trolleys as flytipping as they are the property of the retailer. If you need to report an abandoned shopping trolley, contact the retailer directly, or report to Trolleywise by phone on 0800 316 1241, e-mail or online. You can also report via the free Trolleywise mobile phone app.