Community safety

Crime is a concern for the people visiting, living and working in Tandridge. The council, the police and other key agencies work together to reduce crime, improve the quality of life for everyone and make Tandridge a safer place for all.

Tandridge Community Safety Partnership (TCSP) is a multi-agency strategic group established as part of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

The leading partner organisations which make up the TCSP are:

  • Tandridge District Council
  • Surrey County Council
  • Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
  • Surrey Police
  • Surrey Heartlands CCG
  • Probation
  • Surrey Fire & Rescue Service
  • Tandridge Voluntary Action

Each year the partnership identifies key priorities to be addressed and detailed action plans are drawn up for each area. The new plans re-focus the work to address the new priorities, as well as building on the success of existing work.

The priorities for 2023–2024 are:

  • Anti Social Behaviour.
  • Youth Intervention.
  • Frauds and Scams.
  • Community Engagement.

The successful delivery of the plans can only be achieved through the combined efforts of the whole community, working in partnership with the police and other partners to make Tandridge a safer place in which to live, work and travel.

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