
Political balance and committee membership 2024-2025

Following the District Council elections on Thursday 2 May, no party has overall control of the Council. The Council will continue to be run by the Residents’ Alliance as a minority administration. . 

The political balance of the Council is 20 Residents’ Alliance, 11 Liberal Democrats, 7 Conservative and 5 Independent Group councillors. The political balance before the election was 18 Residents’ Alliance, 11 Liberal Democrats, 9 Conservatives and 4 Independent Group councillors.  

The Leader of the Council is Councillor Catherine Sayer and the Deputy Leader Councillor Chris Farr.  

Leaders and Deputy Leaders of the groups 

The Leader of the Residents’ Alliance is Councillor Catherine Sayer and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Chris Farr. 

The Leader of the Liberal Democrats is Councillor Jeffrey Gray and the Deputy Leader is Councillor Ben Horne. 

The Leader of the Conservatives is Councillor Robin Bloore and the Deputy Leader, Councillor Lewis Sharp. 

The Leader of the Independent Group is Councillor Martin Allen and the Deputy Leader is Councillor Jeremy Pursehouse. 

Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Council and committees 

At the Annual Council on Thursday 23 May, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council were elected, along with the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of committees.  

The Chair is Councillor Sue Farr and Vice-Chair Councillor Claire Blackwell. 

The Chairs and Vice-Chais of the committees are:  

Audit & Scrutiny: Chair: Councillor Ian Booth, Vice-Chair: Councillor Mike Crane. 

Community Services: Chair: Councillor Deb Shiner, Vice-Chair: Councillor Bryan Black. 

Housing: Chair: Councillor Jeremy Pursehouse, Vice-Chair: Councillor Peter Damesick. 

Licensing: Chair: Councillor Colin White, Vice-Chair: Councillor Deb Shiner. 

Planning: Chair: Councillor Claire Blackwell, Vice-Chair: Councillor Sue Farr. 

Planning Policy: Chair: Councillor Catherine Sayer, Vice-Chair: Councillor Chris Farr. 

Standards: Chair: Councillor Nicholas White. 

Strategy & Resources: Chair: Councillor Chris Langton, Vice-Chair: Councillor Mike Crane. 

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