Croydon Road, Caterham

Update 20 June - due to circumstances beyond Walker Construction's control, the night closure has been extended for at least another week. After excavating the road, we discovered services which are not recorded on the utilities maps and these unexpected services mean we have to re-route the new drainage. There has also been an unusually large amount of concrete in the ground, which has slowed down our progress. 

From Monday 10 June, Walker Construction will be carrying out essential construction work overnight on Station Avenue, including part of the roundabout heading north along Croydon Road in Caterham. This work is expected to take at least two weeks to complete. The road will be closed from 8pm to 6am, with clearly marked diversion routes in place. 

These works are critical as we need to repair two collapsed gullies on the roundabout, connect pipework for the rain gardens and resurface part of the road. 
We apologise for the inconvenience which will be caused by noise and road closure. Surrey Highways has scheduled this work overnight to minimise traffic disruption during peak hours.
Warning signs will be in place from 27 May. The work is weather dependant and can be delayed by bad weather or other factors. Please look at the information boards on site for date changes.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out these essential works. 

With our partners we are making improvements to part of Croydon Road in Caterham.

These improvements are part of a bigger project to deliver the aspirations of the Caterham Masterplan which aims to make the area more attractive for people to live and work in, as well as boosting the economy and creating more jobs. This has included our purchase, refurbishment and modernising of Quadrant House, which provides a variety of office and retail space. 

What is being proposed?

From Monday 12 February, works to redevelop Croydon Road in Caterham will start and will take around eleven months to complete. This will make Croydon Road a safer, more attractive and appealing place to live visit, work and enjoy.

Who is carrying out the work?

Walker Construction has been contracted to carry out this work for Surrey County Council, Tandridge District Council and Caterham Valley for You.

What will they be doing?

The works being carried out include:

  • Essential surface water repairs.
  • Extending and improving footpaths and installing new paving.
  • Extending and improving trees and greenery and installing rain gardens which will absorb water running off the road and help alleviate flooding, complimenting Quadrant House’s stunning living wall.
  • Changes to parking and bus bays and installing two electic vehicle charging spaces.
  • Installing sustainable urban drainage systems under the surface of parking bays and footpaths.
  • Installing benches and seating areas.

As part of the wider improvement plans, Surrey County Council is proposing to introduce a 20 miles per hour (mph) speed limit on a number of roads in Caterham Valley. You can see more information and the list of the proposed roads on its website.

Site compound on Timber Hill Road

From Monday 12 February - Friday 20 December, Walker Construction is using the land in front of the Timber Hill play area as its site compound.

This means the parking bays next to the compound will be suspended during this time.

All delivery vehicles will enter the compound from the south of Timber Hill Road and they will exit to the north.

Traffic management

To carry out the work on Croydon Road, from 26 February - 29 November, a traffic management plan will be in place, this includes temporary traffic lights and partial road closures.

The map on page three of this leaflet shows each phase of the works along the road from 1-8.

Every effort will be made to minimise traffic delays, although it is impossible to avoid completely.

Pedestrian access

At times we will need to temporarily close parts of the pavements. Alternative routes will be clearly signposted. For your safety and the safety of the crew and drivers, please use these routes.

Access to business

We’ll always keep access to the businesses open. To cause as little disruption as possible, some drain work will happen at night.

Will it be noisy?

There will be some noise. Sometimes, the crew will have to work over night to reduce disruption during peak times. Please note night construction will involve some noise.

What happens if the work is delayed?

This type of work can sometimes be delayed due to bad weather or unforeseen circumstances. We will keep you updated about any changes, please check for updates on:

Contacting Walker Construction

You can either talk to the Croydon Road site manager, or call:

  • Hooke Highways traffic management hotline: 01934 733516.
  • Walker Construction for site queries: 01296 733856.

What will it look like?

These drawings outline the proposals:

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your support and patience.

Frequently asked questions

Caterham Valley for You, Caterham’s Business Improvement District kick started the improvements to Croydon Road work, recognising the need to improve the area. We have worked with them on the plans and to secure funding for the work. The following organisations are funding this project:

  • Caterham Valley for You, Caterham Business Improvement District.
  • Caterham Valley Parish Council.
  • Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.
  • Surrey County Council.
  • Tandridge District Council (Community Infrastructure Levy funding).

The number of spaces will reduce from 27 to 22. This is needed to create space for the small park areas and to move the bus stop and stand on the west side of Croydon Road.

Initially, there will be two EV designated parking spaces which can only be occupied when the vehicle is charging and for up to one hour. As demand increases, the number of designated spaces will increase to four.

There will be two EV charge points which can charge two vehicles each. Initially, only one point will work, but the second charger can be switched on at short notice when demand increases.

There will be two disabled parking spaces.

The architect has taken into account many factors when deciding where to locate these things.

The rain gardens and planting will be where they can have most impact on reducing flooding. However, the location of the utilities and drainage which runs under the pavements has also been taken into account. The aim is that every business will enjoy the benefits being delivered by these plans.

There is no budget available to reduce business rates.

You may get a temporary reduction in your business rates, if you apply to the Valuation Office, if your premises are affected by severe local disruption (like flooding, building or roadworks).


In 2020, we consulted with local residents, businesses and stakeholders and your valuable feedback has helped shape the plans. We have now developed the designs and carried out a road safety audits and technical appraisals with Surrey County Council, the local highways authority.

On Thursday 2 March 2023, we held a Croydon Road event where we shared our exciting plans on Croydon Road's new look and feel and had a panel of people answering a wide variety of questions.

In 2023, we have used the Council's channels to inform residents, businesses and stakeholders about the plan to redevelop Croydon Road including in our e-newsletters and in printed magazines.

In February 2024, Walker Construction is delivering this leaflet to homes and businesses close to Croydon Road and this leaflet to homes and businesses around Timber Hill Road.

From January 2024 onwards, we will regularly post on the Council's social media channels and in our e-newsletters. You can sign up to receive this directly into your inbox at