If your business has moved into the district we can then calculate how much your business rates will be and send you a bill.
Please let us know if the business has been sold or is moving out of the district. We will use it to work out your closing balance and send you either a bill or refund.
Continue with a previously saved change of address notification.
Find out how to pay your business rates including by direct debit.
Business Rates 2024/2025
Business rates (non-domestic rates) are charged on all businesses according to the rateable value (RV) of the property. Business rates are how users of non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of providing council services in the area, but rates are not a direct payment for services received.
Who has to pay the business rates?
The occupier of a business normally pays these rates; usually this is the owner-occupier or leaseholder. If the property is empty, the owner or leaseholder has to pay them.
How much will you have to pay?
Every business, unless it is exempt, has a RV set by the government’s Valuation Office Agency. The Council calculates your rate bill by multiplying your RV by the multiplier set each year by the government, in line with inflation.
For 2024-2025, the multipliers are set at 54.6, and 49.9 for properties with a RV under £51,000.
Properties with a rateable value of over £51,000 attract a higher multiplier. For a full list of the current multipliers we use visit the Valuation Office.
Rateable value & appeals
As well as setting the RV of businesses, the Valuations Office Agency also revaluates them.
You can check business rates valuations on the Valuation Office website. The value of a property may change if the circumstances of the property have changed. The ratepayer and others with an interest in the property may also propose a change in the value. If you think your rateable value is incorrect you can appeal it. Alternatively you can call your local Valuation Office on 03000 501 501.
Rate reductions, relief and exemptions
Rate reductions, relief or exemptions may be available to your business depending on the circumstances. Visit Business rate reductions for more details.
Unpaid rates
We use enforcement agents (bailiffs) to collect unpaid rates. If they are dealing with your account you can make payments on their websites Bristow & Sutor and Dukes.