

To read this page in UkrainianПідтримка громадян України.

To read this page in RussianПоддержка граждан Украины.

Disclaimer: as the translations linked above are provided by Google Translate, we cannot be held responsible for their accuracy.

We will continue to update these details about what we are doing, and how you can help, as new information becomes available.

Free english language lessons in Oxted for Ukrainians
Безкоштовні уроки англійської мови в окстеді для українців

Beginners, intermediate and Advanced classes in a local school.

Thursday evening, 19.00 – 21.00. (Childcare if required).

Free bus passes through Bletchingley, Woldingham, Tatsfield, Limpsfield and Old Oxted.

To register, or for more details, email:

Початкові, середні уроки та  уроки для студентів вищого рівня в місцевій школі. В четвер ввечері, 19.00 – 21.00. (Догляд за дітьми, якщо потрібно). Безкоштовний автобус проїжджає через: Блетчінглі, Волдінгем, Татсфілд, Лімпсфілд і Олд-Окстед 
Для реєстрації або для отримання більш детальної інформації напишіть електронною поштою:

STEP Ukraine

World Jewish Relief charity and British Council are starting a new language and employment programme called STEP Ukraine.

The programme is free for anyone who is 18 and over and includes:

  • An intensive 10 weeks of 2.5 hours daily English classes by British Council, with options to take the lessons morning, afternoon, or evening.
  • 12 weeks of weekly employment support with a dedicated employment advisor to support with: CV writing, job applications, interview prep, support with job search, and specialist workshops.
  • All classes are remote, and teacher led. They are streamed so you will be with classmates at a similar level.

Learn more and register for English and employment support

Classes in Croydon Area from CALAT college
Уроки в Кройдоні від коледжу КАЛАТ

Contact details/ Контактні дані

Classes in Redhill at East Surrey College
Заняття в Редхіллі в коледжі Східного Суррея

Full time classes for 16-18 year olds.
Adults’ classes  4-5 hours a week over two days and require assessment Contact details/ Контактні дані   London Rd, Redhill RH1 2JX  or  call 01737 772611.
Guildford library also runs classes for Ukrainians. These are organised via the Job Centre. Please contact your Job Centre.

Очні заняття для дітей 16-18 років
Заняття для дорослих 4-5 годин на тиждень протягом двох днів і вимагають оцінки Вашого рівня.
Контактні дані / Контактні дані  London Rd, Redhill RH1 2JX  або зателефонуйте за номером 01737 772611
У бібліотеці Guildford Library також проводяться заняття для українців. Вони організовані через Центр зайнятості. Будь ласка, зв'яжіться зі своїм центром зайнятості.

Free English Classes for Ukrainians from Open University

Безкоштовні онлайн-ресурси для українців, які проживають у Великобританії та Ірландії - OpenLearn - Відкритий університет
The Open University is offering a new series of free courses in Ukrainian on OpenLearn to support Ukrainian guests’ everyday English.
АНГЛІЙСЬКА НА КОЖЕН ДЕНЬ - OpenLearn - Open University
On completion it’s possible to issue confirmation that the course was passed. 
Some courses give participants the opportunity to obtain a digital badge that they can demonstrate online and share with potential employers.

Donating money to charity

Anyone who would like to support the Ukrainian people can make a cash donation. 

Cash donations are the quickest, safest and most direct way to help people. Essential items can be bought locally, instead of transporting clothes and medical supplies from the UK to Ukraine.

Cash donations can be made through the:

Find out more about why cash donations are better than items.

Before giving away any financial information you can quickly and easily check the charity is genuine. The government has also published advice to help people give safely to registered charities.

National support and information

You can find out about the UK response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Calling Ukraine

For anyone wanting to contact loved ones in Ukraine will find some mobile operators are offering calls, text and data to and from the region for free or removing roaming charges. Check with your phone provider for details.  

Travel advice

The Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office currently advises against all travel to Ukraine, Russia or Belarus. Its website has separate, updated travel advice and information for Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. 

Report a war crime

Please contact the UK police, if you have:

  • Been in Ukraine and have witnessed or been a victim of any war crimes or crimes against humanity.
  • Any evidence of war crimes committed in Ukraine.

Tandridge district

We are showing our support for Ukraine by flying the Ukrainian flag at the Council Offices in Oxted. Our thoughts are with the victims of the conflict and their families. We look forward to extending our support to any Ukrainian refugees arriving in our district.

Privacy statement

You can read our privacy statement on the Homes for Ukraine scheme.